New Széchenyi Plan

Széchenyi 2020

Improving Hungary's competitiveness, creating one million new jobs within ten years along seven break-out points – these are the main objectives of the New Széchenyi Plan launched on 14 January 2011. The economy development programme of the Hungarian government responds to the challenges Hungary is facing, and ensures a growth scenario that can be sustained over the long term.

For more information please visit this link.

The New Széchenyi Plan is the national strategic reference framework of Hungary that offers a basic action plan for the last 3 years of the 2007-2013 programming period. The ÚSZT has 7 break-out points to strengthen the economy and increase the employment:

  • Health industry
  • Development of green economy
  • Residential property policy
  • Development of business environment
  • Transit economy
  • Science - innovation
  • Employment

The Science–innovation programme serves the knowledge economy and means a basis for the new R&D&I strategies and programmes being prepared by the National Innovation Office.

Main priorities of the Science–innovation programme:

  • Horizontal priorities:
    • development of human resources
    • well defined enterprise-development tools to give better chance for innovative firms
    • boost international cooperation
    • restructuring the government management system that affect the national innovation processes
  • Sectorial priorities:
    • mobility, automotive industry and logistics
    • health industry
    • informatics and computer techniques
    • new energetic and environmental developments that supports the safety of society
    • agriculture
    • creative industries

For more information please visit this link.

Read more about our "New Széchenyi Plan" references
GOP-2015-3.3.4. - Versenyképes IKT szektor fejlesztése

A Slot Consulting Kft. az egyik nyertese a GOP-3.3.4. pályázatnak, melynek keretében cégünk részt vett az augusztus 25.-én, Budapesten, a mikro, kis- és középvállalkozások számára - a Horizon 2020 keretprogram pályázataira való felkészítés jegyében - megrendezett képzésen. A Gazdaságfejlesztési Oper... Read more...

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