Az EUROCONTROL – European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (Európai Légi Navigációs Biztonsági Szervezet) egyik fő tevékenysége, hogy támogatja kutatás-fejlesztést a légiközlekedés területén. Az EUROCONTROL Európai szintű légi irányítással kapcsolatos programokat és projekteket indít, több légi közlekedéssel foglalkozó szervezet bevonásával.
A Slot Consulting részt vett az elmúlt Európai Légi Irányítási Programban és számos kutató és ipari intézettel működött együtt EUROCONTROL projektek keretében a következő területeken:
A cégünk résztvevője a EUROCONTROL projektek korábbi eredményeire is támaszkodó SESAR projektnek.
The SWIM Common Services project was financed via the EUROCONTROL EATMP programme. The assumption is that System Wide Information Management (SWIM) will manage all ATM related information in a consistent way, from its definition through its creation and use, to its archiving, throughout the whole ne... Read more...
Slot Consulting participated at the CDM Business Case project. The project clearly demonstrated the advantages of Airport Collaborative Decision making through a generic cost - benefit analysis. The generic analysis was prepared on the basis of analysing four European CDM airports: Barcelona, Brusse... Read more...
Level 4 CDM (Collaborative Decision Making) was based on a net-centric approach in which the business/mission trajectory was used as the common element to integrate airports into the ATM network. It introduced the idea of collaborative prioritisation of the trajectories, based on their economic valu... Read more...
The objective of the ATOM project was to study, design and develop the functional prototype of an innovative multi-sensor based system integrating active and passive radar sensors, improving the security level also in the Terminal area of the airport. ATOM system is a non-intrusive but pervasive sec... Read more...
The overall concept of AERO-UKRAINE project was to facilitate research co-operation between aeronautics actors from the EU and Ukraine. The project achieved its overall aim via a range of activities:Assessing and publicising the aeronautics collaboration potential between the EU and Ukraine. This in... Read more...