A Slot Consulting sikeresen szerepelt, mint több különböző FP7 támogatási projekt koordinátora. Ezek a projektek többek között munkaprogramok, tervek és szakpolitikai elképzelések összehangolásával és hálózatépítéssel foglalkoztak. Néhány példa az elvégzett feladatokra:
A nemzetközi kutatási projektek vezetése terén szerzett tapasztalat birtokában a cégünk segítséget tud nyújtani partnereinek a projektjeik vezetésében vagy a kapcsolódó tevékenységek területén.
The Air Cargo technology Roadmap (CargoMap) project focused on the future role of air freight and the definition of a technology roadmap for future cargo aircraft responding to end user requirements and environmental needs. The project investigated what new challenges and opportunities exist for new... Read more...
The concept of the CEARES project was to establish a well-coordinated network among the research organisations of the Central-European states for sharing the know-how, the latest research results and to be able to find the contact more easily with the European aeronautical industry.... Read more...
CEARES NET was a support action funded under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission. The main aim of the project was to help to enable the Central European aeronautical research establishments, universities and companies to cooperate with each other and to integrate more to the Europ... Read more...
The overall concept of AERO-UKRAINE project was to facilitate research co-operation between aeronautics actors from the EU and Ukraine. The project achieved its overall aim via a range of activities:... Read more...
The former SCRATCH and AeroSME projects of the 6th Framework Programme have merged into AeroPortal project, which was launched in December 2007.... Read more...